Acoustic emissions Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas | Aena

Minimising the noise impact generated by air traffic is one the main concerns for Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport. To achieve this, it has a noise control system known as SIRMA. This system detects, measures and associates the noise generated by the aircraft when flying over the microphones installed at strategic points.

These measurements are necessary to fulfil the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). For this reason, the measurement terminals are located at the points with greatest exposure to aeronautical noise, close to the air routes, in order to improve the control and measurement of the degree of noise pollution caused by aeronautical operations in the localities that may be affected.

The information provided by SIRMA is used to ensure that aircraft comply with the established routes and procedures, measuring the noise level registered by the microphones distributed in the vicinity. In the event of non-compliance, an inquiry is carried out and a complaint is filed with the Spanish Airspace Security Agency in case any disciplinary action is required.

The acoustic control is not only limited to aircraft in flight, and noise control is also carried out on the aircraft on the ground, especially during the night, in aircraft apron areas, close to the populations bordering on the airport, such as the case of Aprons: R5 - R6, and South Dock. The system controls aircraft movement in the aforementioned area, both visually and acoustically, is the aircraft voice communications system. The measurement terminals devoted to this operation are equipped with video cameras that enable record of any possible non-compliance, both in real-time and logged.

Location of NMTs:

NMT-1: La Moraleja.
NMT-2: Algete.
NMT-3: San Sebastián de los Reyes.
NMT-4: Fuente del Fresno.
NMT-5: Santo Domingo Sur Residential Estate.
NMT-6: Fuente el Saz.
NMT-7: Paracuellos del Jarama.
NMT-8: Mejorada del Campo.
NMT-9: Belvís de Jarama.
NMT-10: San Fernando de Henares.
NMT-11: Coslada (Station).
NMT-12: Alameda de Osuna.
NMT-13: Barajas.
NMT-16: Tres Cantos.
NMT-18: El Molar.
NMT-20: Torrejón.
NMT-21: Ciudad Santo Domingo Norte.
NMT-23: Los Berrocales.
NMT-24: Ciudalcampo.
NMT-25 Urb: Prado Norte.
NMT-26 Urb: Club de Campo.
NMT-27 Urb: La Granjilla.

In addition to the measurement terminals indicated in the above list, the airport has other measurement terminals, some of which are portable, which enable other types of studies and participation in specific measurement campaigns.

Visit the noise monitoring portal SIRMA

SIRMA detects, measures and associates the noise produced by aircraft overflying with microphones installed in strategic areas of their environment.

The noise reports provide information on the monthly assessment of noise measurements taken at the Noise Monitoring Stations (NMS) installed by AENA in the area surrounding Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport. In addition, they contain an analysis of the various factors that also affect the increase or decrease in noise produced by aeronautical activity.

The reports present the analysis of flight path dispersion in those municipalities in the vicinity of the airport, the monthly evolution in the use of the southern configuration, the incidents and distribution of aeronautical operations by the nominal routes published.

Monthly reports

Annual reports

Runways closed for maintenance

Regular NMT check

Among the corrective measures adopted by the airport to reduce noise levels, it is worth mentioning Compliance with the Resolution of August 30, 2006 of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation introducing operating restrictions at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport, following the Balanced Approach procedure of Royal Decree 1257/2003, of October 3, through which Directive 2002/30 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of March 26, 2002 is transposed into the Spanish legal system.

The Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport has also implemented the following corrective measures: 

  • Restrictions on the use of infrastructures at night, such as operations on platforms R-5, R-6 and Dique Sur.
  • Restrictions on the use of reverse at night.
  • Restrictions on the use of APU at night.
  • Restrictions on engine tests, except in the infrastructures built for this purpose.
  • Review of acoustic impact and associated noise traces, in the Airport Expansion Works Monitoring Commission (CSAM).
  • Approval of Acoustic Insulation Plans.
  • Total ban since April 1, 2002 of aircraft Certified in accordance with Chapter 2 of ICAO Annex 16, Vol I.
  • Prohibition of night operations of aircraft whose noise quota is 4 or higher.
  • Introduction of PRNAV departure procedures.
  • Gradual reduction of aircraft considered Marginally Compliant, until September 28, 2012, in compliance with the resolution of August 30 of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation.
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