International Cooperation | Corporate Responsibility | Aena


Aena has an International Co-operation Programme that involves learning-based activities aimed at aeronautical professionals who come mainly from the Latin American public sector, given the historical and cultural links with Spain, and aims to contribute to the improvement of participants’ aeronautical training services and, consequently, improve development in their countries.

The various activities are carried out in collaboration with Organisations and Institutions on a national and international level, such as the Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development (AECID), the Capacity Development and Implementation Bureau of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (OACI), the School of Aeronautics and Space Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and other national and international institutions.

Since 2003, more than 4,400 aeronautical professionals from 30 countries have benefited, being a clear example of Aena's social and corporate responsibility and its commitment to society.

Indicators (2023)


professionals involved of the aeronautical field in the last 5 years.


countries with professionals benefited in the last 5 years.

Aena Universum

Aena Universum

Aena organises courses to train civil aviation professionals. Visit Aena Universum and discover the current calls.

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