Business data on Murcia Airport | Aena

Region of Murcia International

Discover Region of Murcia International Airport

Discover the airport

The Region of Murcia International Airport boasts modern facilities that guarantee the operation of air traffic in optimal safety conditions and provide its passengers and users with all the necessary services in an accessible and functional way.

Traffic at the airport is mostly international and, in 2019, 1.1 million passengers passed through the airport, 97% of whom arrived from abroad.

The traffic is concentrated in various destinations, with the United Kingdom and Ireland being the most popular.

Opportunities for airlines

Opportunities for airlines

  • Murcia is a region with high potential that has seen a strong rate of development in recent years. It is known for the quality of its beaches and good climate. It also offers a wide range of sport and leisure activities.
  • Chosen by many European visitors as a location for their second home.

Route Cards Section

New routes

Consult the new routes inaugurated in the airports of the Aena network in recent years.

Murcia in figures (2023)




International passengers


Domestic passengers


For business


For leisure




For other reasons

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