Environmental Actions and Measures at Airports | Aena

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability at Aena airports

What do we do?

In line with its Sustainability Strategy and its Climate Action Plan (CAP), Aena implements several measures to make its activity compatible with the environment, within a framework of safety, quality and efficiency.

2023 Milestones Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability Milestones


  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index
  • In 2023, Aena achieved 75 points in the environmental dimension and 72 points in the social dimension (out of 100), making it the fourth most sustainable company worldwide in the transport and infrastructure sector.
  • 70%
  • reduction of Aena’s CO2 emissions in absolute terms (compared to 2019)
  • 100%
  • electricity from renewable sources with origin guarantee
  • 9
  • airports included in the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme
  • 1st
  • global operator to certify noise data according to the ISO 20906 standard
  • 28,791
  • soundproofed residential units and constructions for sensitive uses between 2000 and 2023

Aena and environmental sustainability

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