Spanish standardisation and certification association
“Auxiliar power unit”. Unit for the production of power independent to the aircraft.
Chapter of Annex 16 of the ICAO, where a classification is established for aircraft with must noisier engines.
Decibels in weighting A.
Noise level generated by any source, measured in decibels.
Continuous equivalent level corresponding to the daily period, from 07:00 to 22:59 h.
Continuous equivalent level corresponding to the nighttime, from 23:00 to 06:59 h.
Equivalent Continuous Level that would have been generated were there not more noise than that produced by the planes in weighting A.
Equivalent Continuous Level generated by all sources of noise in weighting A.
Noise level of each airline according to which it can plan its operations according to the aircraft noise certificate.
International Civil Aviation Organisation.
Environmental Information and Service Office.
Statistical value representing the level in dB(A) that has been equalled or exceeded for 10% of the time.
Statistical value representing the level in dB(A) that has been equalled or exceeded for 50% of the time.
Statistical value representing the level in dB(A) that has been equalled or exceeded for 90% of the time.
Visual and Acoustic Control System.
Noise and flight path monitoring system.
Noise monitoring terminal made up of a microphone and computer support.
Frequency filter similar to that perceived by the human ear.